A Credit Card is a means by which you can buy goods, pay for services or draw cash for immediate use, and then pay for it (the purchases) in affordable instalments, at a later date. It is a revolving line of credit with a limit which is loaded onto a card that can be used at a point of sale, an ATM or online. Your credit card will have your name, credit card number, a PIN, expiry date and security Number (CVV2) - a secure feature at the back, which enables you to transact securely. We offer Visa Classic and Visa Gold Credit cards to ease your payments anywhere around the world.


  • Offers very convenient and flexible repayment terms in regard to the repayment amount and date of payment.
  • Hassle free credit facility issued to you to enable you to make payments and pay back later.
  • Instant Cash Advances at ATMs worldwide.
  • Up to 45 interest-free days on goods & services.
  • More secure and convenient than carrying cash and more acceptable worldwide than debit cards.
  • Free monthly statements.
  • Revolving line of credit that avails repaid funds for use.

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